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As a growing Research Lab, we are currently looking to expand our team. Below is a list of opportunities to apply funding to join us, both in the Merliä lab, and within HKU generally.

Please get in touch with any questions about the application process. We also welcome students, visitors and postdocs coming with their own funding.

Current Positions

We are looking for an RA!

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HKU launched the Presidential Post-doctoral Fellowship (HKU-PPF) in 2019 with the objective of hosting the world’s finest post-doctoral talents to undertake frontier research at HKU. They will receive an attractive stipend with additional accommodation, research and conference grants as well as other appointment benefits. The fellows will have the opportunity to live in a vibrant city, work at a leading global university, and conduct research in an environment that drives for excellence and impact. This scheme is for aspirational talents of the highest calibre. For more information use this link.


HKU provides various opportunities to obtain funding for 4 year PhD studies with application dead-lines every year in late autumn. Competition for these positions is fierce, and therefore, you should have a GPA > 3.5 from a university in high international standing. High quality publications and international experience increase the chances for graduate school admission. Please see more details on how to apply for these positions from this link


HKU will recruit 100 outstanding academics in emerging fields with potential for scientific and scholarly breakthroughs—above and beyond its existing professoriate recruitment programme—to join HKU as assistant, associate, or full professors, on tenure-track or with direct tenure. Read more from this link.


HKU has number of schemes for visiting scholars which come with full salary, housing benefits and other perks. The application time for these in December-January every year. IF you are interested to spend some months to few years at HKU, we would be happy to assist with application!


The Faculty of Science at HKU has always the door open would an outstanding candidate be willing to join the HKU ranks. Please note that in order use this path, one needs have truly outstanding resume. Applications can be submitted through this link.

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